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Riced Sweet Potato: You might never crave the white kind after you try this!

I have to show some love to any vegetable that's patient enough to wait two weeks before being used - without causing a stink in my fridge, literally! Sweet potatoes are a great staple to keep on hand for a serving of starchy, nutrient dense carbs. They're packed with all the essentials that you want from your produce: B vitamins, minerals, cancer fighting antioxidants, gut health promoting fibers, protective carotenoids, and most importantly flavor. They're also the perfect sub if you follow a gluten fee, grain free, or whole foods based program but want something comforting and delicious. It works wonders sliced up in place of a bun, chopped and roasted for a "fry" fix, and my newest obsession is grating them into a "rice."

The best part about sweet potato rice, it's quicker to make than regular rice, here's how:


  • 2 sweet potatoes, chopped into large cubes

  • 1 small garlic clove, crushed

  • 2 tbsp coconut or avocado oil

  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Place cubed sweet potatoes into a food processor and pulse until grated. Go slow to ensure you don't over-pulse the contents into a paste.

  • Add the coconut oil and garlic to a cast iron skillet, heat over medium high until the garlic is translucent. Add the sweet potato and mix gently. Allow to cook until the sweet potato rice gets a little brown and crispy along the edges. Season with a little salt and pepper.

  • Remove from the pan and use as a base to an egg based brunch, top with your favorite curry, or simply have it plain!

  • The picture in this post has a base of greens topped with avocado, sweet potato rice, a fried egg and some Everything but the Bagel Seasoning. Enjoy!

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