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Top 5 Myths About Keto

Myth #1 The ketogenic diet requires you to eat tons of animal meat and protein.

The ketogenic diet IS NOT a high protein or meat diet. Regardless of what way of eating you're practicing (keto, paleo, Mediterranean, vegan), the protein needs for the human body remain the same. Simply stated, you should eat about 1/2 your body weight in grams of protein daily to maintain optimal health. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, you should be eating about 75 grams of protein per day. This number may change slightly depending on your activity level, or various health needs, however as a rule of thumb, this is a fairly solid number.

Myth #2 To do the ketogenic diet, all you have to do is to restrict your intake of carbohydrates.

This is also not true. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Most will not respond favorably to a sudden elimination of carbohydrates from their diet. Depending on how healthy your metabolism is, pre-existing health conditions, your athletic activity, and a few other things, it may require you to start at a different daily carbohydrate intake than someone else your same age and weight. It is important to know what carbohydrates to eat and what carbohydrates you should not be eating. Eating the right kind and amount of carbohydrates can make or break you on a ketogenic diet.

Myth #3 The keto flu is something that happens and you should push through it.

The keto flu can happen on a poorly formulated ketogenic diet. The keto flu is basically a sign of electrolyte imbalance in the body. When working with an expert in ketogenic nutrition, you are properly guided on the necessary supplements and foods to be eating, as well as early symptoms to be aware of, that will prevent you from experiencing the dreaded keto flu. No one should be getting the keto flu on a well-formulated ketogenic diet! In the unlikely event this occurs, an expert in ketogenic nutrition can quickly resolve these symptoms for you in a few easy steps.

Myth #4 I tried the keto diet and it just didn't work for me.

Due to the rediscovery of the ketogenic diet and it's current faddish nature, there are numerous self-appointed gurus online and keto coaches popping up in every city. The success rate drops significantly for those seeking guidance through one of these avenues. A board-certified nutritionist and accredited ketogenic nutrition specialist will know how to make this a good experience for you and support you in reaching your health goals. This level of guidance becomes critical if you have pre-existing health conditions and are on any pharmaceutical medications. There are several principles to consider that go beyond simply restricting carbohydrates. A one size fits all, highly detailed meal plan, is not enough. A well-formulated ketogenic diet should be individualized to make it safe, pleasurable, sustainable and, most importantly, effective.

Myth #5 Your hair will fall out on a ketogenic diet.

Yes, on a poorly formulated ketogenic diet, your hair may fall out, you may lack energy, experience hormonal imbalance, poor sleep and a host of other things. This is why consulting an expert and initiating a ketogenic diet under their guidance is so important. On a well-formulated ketogenic diet, you will experience the exact opposite of all of these symptoms.

And finally, a ketogenic diet is not for everyone, due to many reasons. A board-certified nutritionist, experienced in ketogenic nutrition will be able to qualify you and verify that you are a good candidate for keto. So, what if you are not? A board-certified nutritionist can provide a number of other options that will get you to your health goals, safely and successfully!

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